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Welcome to the New Oven Love!


The new Oven Love is finally here, darlings. (!!!!!!!!!!!)

That is a smile of excitement and anticipation (but mostly relief).

Come on in! Have a cookie.


I’m sure you will join me in my relief now that there is no red background. Everyone should be able to read the new blog. (Hallelujah! Miracle of miracles!) I appreciate the concern from all of you and you are the reason that I decided to take the plunge and invest in

To say that it’s been a labor of love might not be accurate. There has been plenty of labor, but I haven’t always loved it. I am baffled by people who choose to do things like write computer code or sit in front of the computer all day- kudos to all of you. It’s a miracle that I can handle regular blog posting!


So now it’s time to update your RSS feed and your readers and explore the new site! Check out the helpful recipe and special diet tabs, the about me section, the search bar.. my little blog looks so grown up!


I have huge, gigantic thank you for Andrew Sterling Photography for the new photos- check out his work on his blog or on Facebook, especially if you’re in the Atlanta area. He’s a great talent!

Another thank you goes to Heath from MissioTech, Inc.- a dear friend who agreed to help me get the new site up and running and unknowingly agreed to answer all of my silly questions. Email if you’re web-illiterate like me (and even if you’re not). He’s your guy.

Many thanks go to the lovely Shay Bocks for my new header, as well. I love the softer look.

And most importantly, thank you to my wondrous husband. He’s the best and he knows why.

Thanks for coming to visit me in my new little corner of the interwebs!

6 Responses to “Welcome to the New Oven Love!”
  1. Jules ~ says:

    Hi, Cute as a button ! Love the page, It has happy written all over it. Will be back to look through all your postings. Thanks for the update on FB! Jules ~

  2. Alisha says:

    It looks great!! Definitely worth the wait and work you put it.

  3. Caroline says:

    Love the new site, looks fabulous! Can’t wait for more yummy recipes. 🙂

  4. Naomi Herr says:

    I’m just a little bit bias, since you are my daughter-in-law, but even so the website looks SO professional, inviting, and upbeat and happy. Congrats on a job well done.

  5. Raquel says:

    yea!! I am excited to finally be able to read it now!!