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Dorie’s Honey Wheat Cookies

 This week for TWD we got a nice break from all of the heavy chocolate desserts and got to try out these Honey Wheat Cookies, chosen by Flourchild.  Wheat germ and honey take center stage in this recipe, so they’re basically a health food.
I waited until the last minute to throw these together (literally, they came out of the oven 30 minutes ago) and they’re pretty simple.  The only faux pas I made was not reading the recipe correctly- I added double the wheat germ than the cookies called for, not realizing that some of it was meant to be saved to roll the cookies in.  I don’t think it made a difference though, since I thought they tasted pretty delicious!
My cookies turned out soft and puffy, like sweet little lemony pillows.  They would be perfect with tea or coffee- a yummy addition to a tea party or brunch menu.  I’m not how healthy these actually are for you, but I think they’re a great alternative to some of the crazy heavy sweets we’ve tried with TWD.  I definitely enjoyed this week!
I’m not sure what my TWD participation will be like in March.  Baby is due in 10 days and could be here anytime, so who knows when the baking will end and life with baby will begin.  I look forward to catching up, though.. we have some fun recipes to come!
*Tuesdays with Dorie (TWD) is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan’s Baking: From My Home to Yours.
**Find the recipe here.
4 Responses to “Dorie’s Honey Wheat Cookies”
  1. Tia says:

    looking lovely and wholesome and mighty tastey for something w wheat! awesome baking as usual 🙂

  2. Flourchild says:

    Congrats to the upcoming baby! Im so glad you enjoyed the cookies and were able to bake with me this week! YOur cookies look so tasty…makes me want to make a cup of tea and have another!

  3. Kayte says:

    Your cookies look great and I bet the extra wheat germ tasted good with all that honey. Best wishes for the upcoming little one. I loved these, so perfect with a cup of tea as the honey and lemon are already built right in. What a deal!

  4. TeaLady says:

    Another baby coming for TWD. Awesome. Great luck to you.

    Cookies look tasty. Isn’t it nice when mistakes make things better.