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On My List: Popsicles

I know I’ve already shared some popsicles with you this summer (orange creamsicles and frozen banana pops), but I have been making way more pops than I’ve been able to photograph. They are a such a refreshing treat in these dog days- I can’t get enough of them!
Here are some popsicles that are on my list.
Pea Wee Kiwi Pops from Weelicious
Watermelon Frozen Yogurt Popsicles from Family Fresh Cooking
Smashed Berry-Lime-Coconut Yogurt Pops from Dessert for Breakfast
Green Ice Pops from Weelicious
Ice Cream and Mixed Berry Pops from Martha Stewart
(I would substitute yogurt for the ice cream.)
Blood Orange Creamsicles from The Family Kitchen
Sublime Strawberry Popsicles from The Slow Roasted Italian
You can pick up cheap popsicle molds from Target, Wal-Mart or your local kitchen supply store. There are tons available online, too. If you want to go old school, some Dixie cups and popsicle sticks will do the trick. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to try some of these flavor combinations!
One Response to “On My List: Popsicles”
  1. Jessica Lynn says:

    Popsicle molds are on my list of things to buy when I go home. I have the dixie cups, but can’t find popsicle sticks around here for the life of me. I’ve been craving a cold, fruity, homemade popsicle!