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Tuesdays with Dorie and Other Updates

I’m a lister, so here’s what you should know:

1. No TWD post today. We were granted a little Thanksgiving extension, so I’m making the Thanksgiving “Two-fer” Pie this Friday. Check Saturday or Sunday for the TWD rundown.

2. Sorry for the lack of posts Sunday and Monday. I finally started my job at Williams Sonoma, so I’ve been working more on the weekends (40% employee discount – Amazing.) and yesterday was my husband’s 23rd birthday. There have been lots of fun treats, just not enough time to fix dark pictures and post them! I should have some up later today.

3. This Friday is the 2nd Annual Autumnal Extravaganza (read more about it at the end of this post), and I’m also taking charge of Thursday’s turkey, so there will be even more to post about! It’s a huge cooking holiday, and I can’t wait to share all of my fun recipe finds with my family, and with my Oven Lovers. 🙂

4. If any of you readers (most likely just my friends and family.. ha) will be in the E-town area on Friday, you’re welcome to stop in for the extravaganza! Just leave me a comment, shoot me an email, or call me for the details!

One Response to “Tuesdays with Dorie and Other Updates”
  1. pinkstripes says:

    I may have to get a job at WS for the discount. 40% wow. On all-clad and le cruset products too?