Tuesdays with Dorie: Rice Pudding
So I’ve been a little delinquent in my Tuesdays with Dorie posts this month due to some personal issues, but I’m glad to say I’m back this week! I didn’t end up making the pudding until about an hour ago, so the pictures are crappy and they aren’t of the finished product- the pudding is getting nice and chilly in the fridge as we speak. Nevertheless, I’ll take you through my rice pudding experience.I read a few TWD questions about the rice pudding, and found that a lot of bloggers found the pudding too runny. I decided to use a generous 1/3 cup of rice instead of Dorie’s 1/4 cup and just 3 cups of whole milk instead of Dorie’s 3 1/2 cups to try to remedy the problem. When I actually get to try the pudding tomorrow, I’ll post about the results.
So here’s my little pot of rice, boiling away.. nicely, I might add. Minding its own business.
Rice, strained, waiting to be added back into the milk mixture.
The aftermath of my dramatic milk episode. I looked away for one minute- milk madness! The pot almost boiled over completely, but it thankfully, I could salvage it. I had to spend a little time fishing out some scalded milk, though.
A cute little cup of vanilla rice pudding, headed for the fridge! I hope this stuff is good.. I’ve never actually tried it before (don’t tell).
I couldn’t decide on a container to put it in.. I wanted choices so I could take photographs tomorrow morning when it’s actually light outside. I need to find some good tricks for taking photos inside.. I’m so used to my beautiful natural light.. stay tuned to find out if this stuff is actually any good after all the drama!
*Find the recipe here. Thanks, Isabelle!
**Tuesdays with Dorie is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan’s Baking: From My Home to Yours.
I can’t wait to see the finished picks, but they look good so far… 😛
This recipe was perfect for mu husband and his dental issues. Thanks
I know this was posted ages ago, but if you ever try it again then I recommend stirring in strawberry jam (jelly?) like a tsp or 2. i was pretty much raised on this stuff and it’s way better with jam (jelly)
Lindsay xxxxx
p.s. I’m from England which is why I’m confused with the whole jam/jelly concept haha – jelly for me is gelatin