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Thoughts on BlogHer Food

I have so much to say about this weekend!
First of all, food bloggers are great people.  Every person I met was a g-e-m.  I loved meeting other people who care about things like photo garnishes, the chickens living in my garage (sorry I haven’t told you about that yet!) and how to take pictures in restaurants without annoying people.  Amazing, right?  I think we should all live together in a big blogging commune and eat tasty food all day.
Some of my lovely BlogHer pals (back row, L to R: Jaclyn of Food Plus Words, Jessica of The Novice Chef, Mandy of Home with Mandy, Jim of Comfort in Crumbs, Jess of Jessica Lynn Writes, half of my head and Erin of Erin’s Food Files. front row: Tina of My Life as a Mrs., Lindsay of Love and Olive Oil, Julie of The Little Kitchen) Go visit their blogs!!
I learned roughly a million things at this conference.  I have ideas out-the-waz and I can’t wait to roll out some new changes here at Oven Love.  I want to make it even better for you guys- easier to search, more fun to look at and even more inspiring.  I’m on the job.. so much to do!


Also- you should know that Atlanta is a delicious city.  My favorite eats from the weekend were Sublime Doughnuts and The Pop Shop.  Here’s Jess’s review of Sublime Doughnuts– Droolfest, USA.


And in case you were wondering, I was thinking about you the whole weekend.  I even brought you back some extra swag!  Here’s what’s in the bag:

-Reusable bag from
-Metromint water
-Butterball seasoning kit
-All new Lite Pom (this isn’t in stores yet, but it’s so good!)
-Quaker Oatmeal Squares
-Bob’s Red Mill Granola, Gluten-Free Hot Cereal and Pearl Whole Wheat Couscous
-Dole Peaches
-Assorted coupons (Stonyfield, Wasa, Barilla, etc)

To enter, all you have to do is comment below, and ask me a question!  You can ask me a question about anything: my recipes, someone else’s recipes, something that has nothing to do with food, the meaning of life, whatever you want.  Just ask me a question and you’ll be entered to win the swag bag.  Contest ends Wednesday night at midnight EST.

Winner will be announced on Thursday, and I’ll be answering all of your questions.  Look forward to some GFA pie posts later this week!

This giveaway is closed!

24 Responses to “Thoughts on BlogHer Food”
  1. Lindsey says:

    Where have you been all my life?!?

    Love you dearly!

  2. Oh wow! AWESOME swag bag. My question would be: can you share thetips on taking pictures in restaurants withoutannoying other diners? I always feel so obnoxious! I’m trying to learn how to take good food photos anyway… even at home.

    Oh, second question: can I be on the invite list for this commune? Thanks!

    I can’t wait to hear about all the things you learned and see all the changes. I love this blog already and know it can only get much better!

  3. ShorterMama says:

    What was the #1 thing you learned about photography for OvenLove at BlogHer Food?

  4. Meari says:

    My Question: What are your favorite food blogs (besides your own) that feature healthy food? (I’m doing the Weight Watchers thing now and looking for new recipes)

  5. emily says:

    Was BlogHer Food worth the money? (For the experiences, people met, blah blah blah)

  6. Lynn-E says:

    When will you be doing more video posts?

  7. Anonymous says:

    What made you start a blog, and how much time do you spend maintaining it?


  8. I would love to hear the tips on taking pictures in restaurants without annoying other diners? I would hope I could use the same techniques in craft stores 😉

    Glad to find you via Jess

  9. Tessa says:

    What’s your favorite bread recipe?

  10. Jessica says:

    It was so great to meet you! So glad you posted the picture!! 😉

  11. Can we get Blog Her Food in Chicago next year?

  12. Amy Beth says:

    What is the next recipe i should try?

  13. Is it expensive to attend/participate in this conference? One extra: Have you ever been to the Dominican Republic? 🙂

  14. KAE says:

    Did you come away from the confrence with a new favorite recipe to try??

  15. Emily Malloy says:

    When are you moving to Dobson Street in Philadelphia?


  16. Shelley says:

    When you aren’t browsing food blogs, what is your go-to recipe website/search engine for finding everyday recipes and ideas?

  17. Hannah says:

    Where did you get that rainbow cake?! It might be the one cake that could beat my favorite (funfetti) – it is so awesome!

    Yay for goodies 🙂

  18. Jen says:

    What is your least favorite food, and can you think of any version of it that you would eat?

  19. Megan says:

    This swagbag looks awesome! MY question is…where did you find your love for food and cooking?

  20. Great meeting you in line for the BlogHer Food welcome party. Glad to hear you had such a wonderful time throughout the rest of the event!

  21. Katrina says:

    What are your summer plans and what is the one food you hate to cook.

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  22. Lara says:

    Do you have a recipe for a good deep chocolate frosting? Like not just a buttercream but in your face rich chocolate?

  23. It was so nice to meet you! I love that picture of the group, would you mind sharing it with me? Thanks so much! julie (at) thelittlekitchen (dot) net

  24. Hunter's Mom says:

    Who is your favorite non-cookbook author??