Yellow Lard Cake with Berries and Cream (A ‘Beyond Bacon’ Giveaway)

This weekend, my little girl turned 2. I just love that little peanut and her growing personality. I would say I’m excited to be moving out of the baby stage.. but it’s only a few months before we move back into it. 😉 This was her birthday cake! I know it’s not the typical two-year-old […]
Hazelnut Fig Bars

I’m in limbo. We are moving soon (just two months away..). It’s soon enough that I’m starting to get sad/nostalgic/motivated to start fresh/etc; but not soon enough that I can actually do anything about it. It’s too soon to start packing, too soon for goodbyes. I want to soak up the last bit of […]
April Advertising Special!

In honor of Passionfruit opening their Marketplace today (that’s my page in the Marketplace above), I am offering $5 off ALL Oven Love ad spots! That means large ads are $20, medium ads are $10 and small ads are just $5 – that’s a steal, seriously. Use the promo code “iloveovenlovers” to take advantage of […]
Rudi’s Giveaway Winner
And the winner of Monday’s giveaway is.. Renee! Congrats! We’ll be in touch via email. Hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday.
A Monday Morning Giveaway
It’s Monday. AGAIN. I think we need a giveaway! Are you familiar with Rudi’s Organic Bakery? If you’re not, you should be! I am a big fan. In a perfect world, I’d all have my own fresh baked bread handy at all times. But, since most days I’m a hot-mess mommy just trying to keep […]
Thoughts on BlogHer Food

I have so much to say about this weekend! First of all, food bloggers are great people. Every person I met was a g-e-m. I loved meeting other people who care about things like photo garnishes, the chickens living in my garage (sorry I haven’t told you about that yet!) and how to take pictures […]
Corn, Crab and Tomato Salad

Happy May, ladies and gents! I want to start of the month with a little giveaway for you.. how does that sound? The lovely folks at Cooking Light have come out with a new cookbook called Way To Cook. This cookbook isn’t just your typical pretty food photography and written recipes. The book takes you […]
Win a Month of Three Sisters Cereal!
Are you a cereal person? I love it. Growing up, cereal and oatmeal were essentials at our house (“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, Natalie.” Ahem.) I never got the sugary good stuff, though. Mom and Dad were not about to let that happen. Sugar and I were (are) a crazy combo. […]