Overnight Oatmeal: 5 Ways

Good morning! Join me at Modern Parents Messy Kids today with five ways to make overnight oats: traditional soaking, grab-and-go baked oatmeal, DIY oatmeal packets, crockpot oats and refrigerator oats. There’s certainly something for everyone (unless you are grain-free or you don’t like oats.. then you’re out of luck.) What’s your favorite way to eat […]
Traditional Bone Broth: Tips, Tricks and More

As you probably know, I’ve been working on healing some stomach problems (are you tired of hearing about it yet? haha). The first time I read about the healing power of bone broth was through the Weston A. Price Foundation. It made a lot of sense to me- finally I understood why homemade chicken soup […]
Quick Chocolate Avocado Pudding with Coconut Topping

Raise your hand if you ate pudding cups when you were a kid. (Hand raised.) Raise your hand if you ate pudding cups when you were in college. (Hand raised- no shame.) Raise your hand if you still eat pudding cups as an adult? (I wish. Where do I find refined-sugar free, corn syrup-free, […]
Dark Chocolate Coconut Bites

Let me take you back for a second- imagine it’s Halloween in the early 90s. I’m probably dressed as a black cat (it was my thing). I come home with a pillowcase full of candy and start my sorting ritual with my mom. I would hoard the peanut butter cups and Hershey bars, and I […]
Homemade Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins [with no refined sugar]

I don’t eat much store-bought candy these days, but when Halloween rolls around, I find myself eyeballing those Reese’s peanut butter pumpkins. I know it’s basically the same as a peanut butter cup, but for some reason, the pumpkin always tasted better to me. Maybe a better peanut butter to chocolate ratio? Maybe the eye-catching […]
Homemade Raw Milk Ricotta Cheese

Ever since we started drinking raw milk, I have been itching to make some cheese with it. The only thing getting in my way is a tiny human with a serious appetite for milk- we almost never have any milk leftover for cooking or experimenting. Last week I got hit with The Lucky Stick and […]
Mr. Nick’s Homebrews: Kölsch

Mr. Nick (that handsome fellow I share a last name with) is here to talk about home brewing! I know I’ve mentioned it before, but he’s been brewing beer at home for a while now and we’re finally ready to share it with you. (Meaning we finally got off our butts, took some photos and […]
Homemade Honey Ketchup

You guys. I have actually processed and put up almost all of the tomatoes that came out of the garden this year. This is MAJOR. I typically get so overwhelmed with the produce that some of it (okay, a lot of it) goes to the chickens. But this year, I’ve been on the top of […]
Pineapple Orange Julius

The last time we met, I told you about my sugar crisis. How’s it going, you ask? Well, here’s what I’ve been doing. Trying to eat whole foods as much as possible. Trying not to eat sugar or drink juice. Eating honey/maple syrup in moderation. Eating plenty of fruit. I couldn’t hack it without fruit […]
My Favorite Baked Chicken Nuggets

You know you’re a mom when not only do you a) have a favorite chicken nugget recipe, but b) you have a favorite baked chicken nugget recipe. What’s that you see in my driveway? A minivan? Someone save me before I buy any mom jeans! Just kidding! I love motherhood. Wouldn’t trade it. My house […]