
This girl! Gloria Katherine (after her grandma) came on the scene at 1:37PM on May 30. Easiest labor yet for me- after a morning chiropractor visit and a quick stop for a cheeseburger, we got to the birth center and she was born within the hour. We have been soaking up all the baby sweetness […]
Life Lately.

Hey, nuggets! It’s been a while. Things I’ve been up to: Growing a tiny human person Keeping 2 additional small human people alive Going to a bazillion doctor/chiropractor appointments Wrapping everything in tortillas Occasional blogging at MPMK Not blogging here, ha! Doing weird nesting stuff like sewing crib sheets late into the night Eating all […]
Taking on the 21 Day Sugar Detox

Happy Friday, darlings! The ol’ Oven Love family is embarking on another nutritional adventure. On Sunday, we’ll be starting the 21 Day Sugar Detox, created by Balanced Bites author and nutritionist, Diane Sanfilippo. For all the details on the 21DSD, check out Diane’s website and her two books, The 21 Day Sugar Detox and The […]
Merry Christmas from the Oven Love Family

Just wanted to pop in and share our Christmas card with all of you. We had this sweet portrait done by Etsy artist jordyluxe. I love how it came out! We are making the final preparations today for our holiday fun and looking forward to spending time with our loved ones. Hope you are enjoying […]
The One Where I Tell You I’m Pregnant Again (and other news)

Well, hey everyone! Glad to see you. Happy to be here. Just thought I might pop in to fill you in on what nonsense we’ve been up to. I know it’s been awhile. But, I still love you guys and I am 30-40% sure you love me/care about my whereabouts. So, let the over-sharing begin! […]
Monday Things.

It’s good to be back. Now where to begin? We are now settled into our new house in Dayton, OH. I use the word “settled” lightly, because a) I still feel like I’m on a strange vacation, b) boxes everywhere, ugh, c) we started painting and won’t be done anytime soon, and d) I just […]
Thursday Things.

You guys. That bowl of yogurt is my new obsesh. Yogurt, peaches, honey, toasted pine nuts. So glad I found that random half bag of pine nuts when I was cleaning out the pantry. Gold, I tell ya. As you know, we’re in the thick of the moving process. While I’m eating random bowls of […]
Friday Things.

Hi, muffins! Happy Friday. I wish I was eating some fat almond pancake right about now.. so good. We have got a bang up weekend planned around here- we’re hitting the water park today as a family, then spending Saturday in Savannah/Tybee Island (if it’s good beach weather) and then Sunday. Oh, Sunday. Sunday is […]
Moving, Snacking and Cleaning out the Freezer.

The countdown is on, people! We move out of this house in four weeks. Unbelievable. I’m at the point where I start thinking sappy thoughts about my friends and my town, and then I have to snap myself out of it and try to remember my best sappy stuff for future moments when I’m writing […]
Friday Things.

(photo from yesterday’s post, Grain-Free Peach Cobbler) Hi, dolls! It’s Friday, thanks Heavs. My hubby is on his way home and I couldn’t be happier! Only one more week of training and he’s ours for good again. Yes. Just in time to help us pack up and get our rear ends up to Ohio.. Anyways, […]