18 Easy Afternoon Snacks

Need some new snack ideas? Come visit me over at MPMK today for a round-up of 18 easy snacks. Your afternoons just got a little more special.
Salmon and Wild Rice Cakes

You guys. I am in the midst of an intense week of toddler-watching (we are caring for two extra little cuties this week while their parents are on vacay), so I have about 10 minutes to say my peace about these salmon cakes. Let’s cut to the chase: 1. They’re a great use of leftovers. […]
White Bean Cookie Dough

White bean cookie dough. What. What??? That sounds totally weird. Are you wondering how white beans and cookie dough could possibly be friends? I applaud you for actually reading this post and not just moving on to the next blog. After stumbling upon lots of bean-related desserts in the blog world- black bean brownies, white […]
Roasted Chickpeas: 4 Ways

Come visit me at Modern Parents Messy Kids today! I’m sharing four variations on one of my new favorite snacks. It’s sure to make all the (big and little) tummies in your house very happy..
Caprese Salad Skewers

You guys. I am having a major food-related crisis! If you have been reading the ol’ blog for a while, you probably know these things about me: A) I enjoy healthy foods and attempt to live a healthy lifestyle. B) I enjoy baking and creating desserts that are often FULL. OF. SUGAR. I have discovered […]
Joy’s BLT Corn Salad Wraps

Here are some things I’d like to say about this heat wave. Something is not right when your properly-working-AC is chugging along 24/7 just to keep your house under 82 degrees. RIP to four of our chickens. Four! 108 degrees is brutal. And sorry to whatever poor garbage man has to pick up our trash […]
My Favorite Baked Chicken Nuggets

You know you’re a mom when not only do you a) have a favorite chicken nugget recipe, but b) you have a favorite baked chicken nugget recipe. What’s that you see in my driveway? A minivan? Someone save me before I buy any mom jeans! Just kidding! I love motherhood. Wouldn’t trade it. My house […]
Gyoza Pan-Fried Dumplings

I don’t know if you noticed, but I don’t make much Asian food around here (remember Project Food Blog?). That’s not because I don’t like it, I just get a little intimidated by it and don’t know where to get reliable recipes. I’ve made a few Asian items- classic Kung-Pao Chicken, Lighter Sesame Chicken, Beef […]
Santa Hat Snack Mix

Christmas is here! That means stuffing your face with sugar for a whole month. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, there are treats everywhere this time of year. So I’m just jumping on the bandwagon and sharing another one with you. I am loving this little snack mix! It is a little […]
Corn, Crab and Tomato Salad

Happy May, ladies and gents! I want to start of the month with a little giveaway for you.. how does that sound? The lovely folks at Cooking Light have come out with a new cookbook called Way To Cook. This cookbook isn’t just your typical pretty food photography and written recipes. The book takes you […]