Frozen Smoothie Bags

I am very excited to share this idea with you today! If you are looking to streamline your morning routine or looking for a quick and healthy mini-meal or snack for the kids, pay attention! This is a good one. I was inspired to make these frozen smoothie bags by The Tidy Nest‘s make-ahead freezer […]
Valentine’s Day Eye Candy!

Happy Valentine’s Day, Oven Lovers! If you are looking to make something sweet today, here are some of my favorite Valentine’s appropriate treats from the archives. There’s something for everyone- strawberry lovers, chocolate lovers, ice cream lovers, and breakfast-in-bed lovers alike. Enjoy! Tender Strawberry Shortcakes Chocolate Ganache Ice Cream Rainbow Cake– change it up for […]
Make Ahead Baked Oatmeal

Baked oatmeal is a great way to start your morning. I just ate this beautiful breakfast and the day is already off to a great start. Growing up in Central PA, baked oatmeal was always one of my favorite treats to have when we went out for breakfast. Every little diner and family restaurant has […]
New York-Style Crumb Cake

Good afternoon, earthquake survivors! Seems like everyone is a little shook up today. We didn’t feel it down here in GA, but if we had, I would certainly be celebrating survival with this crumb cake. Truthfully, I made this crumb cake about 100 million years ago and forgot to post it. I found the photos […]
Blackberry Galette

Did I tell you my thing about pies? Here’s my thing. I didn’t used to like pies as a kid, but I do now. I love to eat them, but I don’t really like to make them. (I’m more of a cake baker, remember?) I know pie dough is easy to pull together, but the […]
Vegan CocoNana Mini Muffins

Even though I’m not living the vegan lifestyle anymore, I’m still finding ways to enjoy vegan recipes in my diet. I saw this recipe this morning on Miss Mary‘s blog and I had to jump right in and make them! They looked delicious and simple, and they were. The name CocoNana refers to the coconut […]
Part-Time Vegan, Day 4

I ate too many cookies today. ‘Cause, you know.. sugar’s vegan. (Woo hoo!) Breakfast was a peanut butter banana wrap with almond milk. Lunch was the salad bar at Lane’s. Snack was (too many!!) vegan chocolate chip cookies. Dinner was leftover pasta. Let me just tell you about this banana wrap. I make this […]
Perfect Brunch Menus

Brunch month has really been my favorite so far, lovies. Here’s why: I feel like I could host a brunch every day with all the ideas still in my head. I’m up to my eyeballs in Omega-3s from all the eggs I’ve been downing. Brunch is really just an excuse to eat dessert for breakfast, […]
Cinnamon Sugar Baked Doughnuts

Back in January, when I started this whole great adventure, I promised you doughnuts during Brunch Month. It took me all month, but I can finally deliver! Here’s my deal with doughnuts. I usually don’t eat them. I don’t work in an office these days, and I don’t make a habit of driving through Krispy […]
Maple Syrup Scones

I have two sweet treats to end up our month of brunching- Maple Sugar Scones today and Cinnamon Sugar Baked Doughnuts tomorrow. Perfect brunch fare, and both inspired by Heidi at 101 Cookbooks. She and I are totally on the same wavelength! I’ve made maple pecan scones before, which were great, but I was looking […]