Ham and Egg Crepe Squares

These crepes have been on my mind for weeks. I am so glad I finally made them! I’ve never made crepes before, just never got around to it. I thought they were hard to make. I should have just listened to Ricky Bobby.. (am I really quoting Talladega Nights?) “They’re like really thin pancakes.” He’s right, though, they […]
Sweet & Savory French Toast BLT

I have a dream. That dream is to one day work for Everyday Food. How do they come up with great ideas like a French Toast BLT? It’s like they’re reading my mind. Please, someone from Everyday Food, hire me! I will work for free (food). How genius is a French Toast BLT? I used […]
Spinach Cheddar Strata with Crispy Breakfast Ham

Now that all that first birthday biz is behind us, I can focus back on March’s original task- bringing you delicious brunch inspiration. Aren’t you loving spring already? We absolutely are. We’ve already got some produce growing in the yard.. the green is beautiful!If you’ve never heard of a strata, it’s a layered casserole dish, […]
Mini Frittatas

It’s March! That means it’s Brunch month in my Great Food Adventure. To tell you the truth, I’m relieved. Those macarons last month were giving me drama. I think brunch is one of the greatest ideas ever. I only wish I could enjoy it more! I’m always ravenous in the morning and the bean never […]
Fruit and Nut Granola

This post is long overdue. I am a granola person. It’s just how I roll. Not only that, but I’m a picky granola person. I like my granola just so. And maybe that’s why I’ve waited so long to make it for myself. I wouldn’t want to force down a batch of bad granola.. yuck. […]
Banana Muffins and Bake It Pretty

Have any of you ever brought dozens of bananas to a big group breakfast thing and end up bringing most of them back to your house because no one in your town likes bananas? It happens. It happens to me. Good thing around here we are banana-eating-machines (baby is included/the main culprit). It’s definitely a […]
Winter Quiche
Finally, a post! I have been trying hard to get something new up for you this weekend, but I’ve been busy living life. You know how it goes. I was busy eating every last crumb of this quiche. I really wanted quiche this weekend, but I wasn’t sure what I wanted to put in it. […]
Pumpkin Bread with Ricotta and Cream Cheese Swirl
You had to know I was gonna throw a pumpkin bread recipe in the mix! How can you not? It’s Pumpkin Palooza, people. I think quick breads are one of the best ways to use pumpkin. It’s hard to find a quick bread moister (? weird.) than one made with pumpkin. People who make great […]
Tea Time Muffins
When it comes to hot drinks, I’ll always choose tea over coffee. I don’t know what it is about coffee.. I love the smell, but I just can’t get into it. I’ve never been into caffeine. So when Rhiani picked Coffee Break Muffins for this week’s TWD, I made my tried-and-true choice and used tea […]
What do you get when a frittata and a bratwurst get together and make a delicious baby? Brat-tata. I’m not going to pretend that I didn’t laugh my head off for ten minutes after I thought of that little gem. I’m sure you all agree that it’s the clever-est (most clever?). I love when leftovers […]