Paleo Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Coconut Whip

PaleO-M-G. It’s my first attempt at a Paleo cake. Of course, I am not committed to the Paleo Diet as a lifestyle- ya’ll know I love me some raw milk and cheese. But I do see its merits in other ways and it seems to work well for a lot of people. We had a […]
Banana No-Bake Cookies (No Refined Sugar)

I’ve got another sugarless baking experiment for you today, imaginary internet pal! I know you’ve been there- middle of the afternoon, no snacks handy, craving hits.. and you think to yourself, “how can I make myself a treat before the kids wake up??” I immediately thought of no-bake cookies (and also thought I was some […]
Raspberry Ice Pops

I wish I had a separate freezer that I could dedicate to frozen treats. Or maybe an ice cream cart right in my living room? Umbrella and all. Sounds completely normal.I had to do some major freezer reorganizing last week- not due to popsicle excess (I wish!), but because we bought a 1/4 cow and […]
White Bean Cookie Dough

White bean cookie dough. What. What??? That sounds totally weird. Are you wondering how white beans and cookie dough could possibly be friends? I applaud you for actually reading this post and not just moving on to the next blog. After stumbling upon lots of bean-related desserts in the blog world- black bean brownies, white […]
Banana Carob Brownies

I’ve been a little scared to get back to baking. My brain is trained to grab the sugar immediately! But I am retraining.. and grabbing the honey instead. These brownies came about after a long internet search for a brownie recipe without refined sugar. I found black bean brownies, gluten-free brownies, vegan brownies.. but nothing […]
Frozen Banana Pops on MPMK

Come on over to MPMK today for some fun frozen treats! Some of them are even healthy enough to eat for breakfast. 🙂
Chocolate Zucchini Cake

I love posts that have the labels “chocolate” and “vegetables” together. Sometimes it seems my main goal in life is figuring out how to fit chocolate into every meal. Still working on it. Chocolate-covered broccoli probably wouldn’t go over well with my crew. Or would it.. Back to reality! I made this cake last night […]
Orange Creamsicles

The summer heat has got me overflowing with popsicle ideas, people! I have been trying out lots of different flavors and a few different molds to find my favorite combinations. One of my recent favorites is this recipe for Creamsicles. Orange Creamsicle is a classic summer flavor in my mind. My first taste of this […]
Cookie Butter Parfaits with COOL WHIP Whipped Topping

Ahh, summer. Time to turn off the ovens, get away from the heat and enjoy the quick and easy recipes that don’t take much time to prepare. There’s nothing worse that being stuck in a steamy kitchen all day (unless it’s this Steamy Kitchen– i’m sure that would be a blast). There’s enough heat going […]
Cream Puff Cupcakes [My 500th Post!]

FIVE HUNDRED posts. Wow. That is a lot of food, people! I am amazed that the little food blog I started on a whim in September of 2008 has survived (and thrived!) until today. There’s been a little bit of everything here on Oven Love, hasn’t there? Lots of sweet desserts, tons of breakfast and […]