Get The Kids Cooking With Dad

Head over to MPMK today for some easy dishes the kids can prepare in the kitchen (with minimal help from Dad). The kids in my house (even the baby!) love helping with the cooking. It can get a little messy, though- I make no promises about them staying clean. 🙂 Forward it to your […]
Keeping the Peace at Meal Time

We have been struggling a bit around here with keeping the peace during dinner time. The baby typically spends her dinner throwing all her food on the floor, climbing onto the table and screaming for no reason. The toddler has ants in his pants, bosses his sister around and fights us about eating his […]
Overnight Oatmeal: 5 Ways

Good morning! Join me at Modern Parents Messy Kids today with five ways to make overnight oats: traditional soaking, grab-and-go baked oatmeal, DIY oatmeal packets, crockpot oats and refrigerator oats. There’s certainly something for everyone (unless you are grain-free or you don’t like oats.. then you’re out of luck.) What’s your favorite way to eat […]
Spiced Nut Butter Balls

I am a fool for this snack ball trend. They are so good! So easy to pull together! So much better to snack on then junk food! The one thing they don’t have going for them is a good name- Nut Balls is just awful. So is Snack Balls. Energy Balls? Nut Butter Balls? A […]
Homemade Diaper Balm (Cloth Diaper Safe)

I know we usually talk about food around here, but today I want to talk about babies. More specifically, baby bottoms. Just a little segway from our normal topics of conversation.. no big deal. You probably know this (or maybe you’d just guess it from my other granola-mom-type interests), but my babies wear cloth diapers. […]
Apple Cinnamon Muffins (Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Paleo)

I might need a Paleo baking intervention. I’ve gotten the hang of it now and the treats are flowing freely again in this house.. but my tummy troubles have not disappeared. (They are still undiagnosed.. go here for more of my story.) Now my wheels are turning again, trying to figure out why. I thought […]
Roasted Red Pepper Dip and Valentine’s Day Veggies

Veggies for Valentine’s Day! Let’s make it a thing. It’s not exactly a box of chocolates, but it’s kid-friendly and pretty adorable. Who can say no to heart-shaped vegetables? I made up this little tray for a kids’ Valentine’s Day party in under an hour this morning. That includes chopping, arranging the plate and making […]
Quick Chocolate Avocado Pudding with Coconut Topping

 Raise your hand if you ate pudding cups when you were a kid. (Hand raised.) Raise your hand if you ate pudding cups when you were in college. (Hand raised- no shame.) Raise your hand if you still eat pudding cups as an adult? (I wish. Where do I find refined-sugar free, corn syrup-free, […]
Lamb Meatballs (gluten-free, grain-free, paleo) with Yogurt Dip and Spiced Vegetables

This new style of eating has been an adjustment. It’s hard to wrap my head around new rules for meal-planning and eating. So much of my day is spent thinking about food, and planning out when and what we’re going to eat and making grocery lists. I know it’s not permanent (I mean, I hope! […]
Homemade Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins [with no refined sugar]

I don’t eat much store-bought candy these days, but when Halloween rolls around, I find myself eyeballing those Reese’s peanut butter pumpkins. I know it’s basically the same as a peanut butter cup, but for some reason, the pumpkin always tasted better to me. Maybe a better peanut butter to chocolate ratio? Maybe the eye-catching […]