Make Ahead Baked Oatmeal

Baked oatmeal is a great way to start your morning. I just ate this beautiful breakfast and the day is already off to a great start. Growing up in Central PA, baked oatmeal was always one of my favorite treats to have when we went out for breakfast. Every little diner and family restaurant has […]
Salted Peppermint Rice Krispie Treats

I really wasn’t planning on sharing more sweets with you, but occasions to bake keep coming up out of nowhere! I made these last night for some friends, and then whipped up another quick batch for the hubs to take to work today. This recipe took me less than 15 minutes to pull together- talk […]
Sprinkled Chocolate Thumbrint Cookies

Good morning, all! How are your holiday sugar hangovers? Today I’ve got some more sugary treats for you in honor of the Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap, hosted by the fabulously talented Lindsay of Love and Olive Oil and Julie of The Little Kitchen. I have had the pleasure of meeting these two darlings in […]
Santa Hat Snack Mix

Christmas is here! That means stuffing your face with sugar for a whole month. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, there are treats everywhere this time of year. So I’m just jumping on the bandwagon and sharing another one with you. I am loving this little snack mix! It is a little […]
Spicy Kale Lasagna

Mmm.. I am having good memories of this lasagna. Are you ready for cool weather comfort foods? I’m sure you northerners are. I’m getting in the mood myself, but the southern weather is getting in the way! This lasagna is a great way to transition into fall- not too heavy, since there’s no meat involved. […]
Fall Harvest Salad

Can you believe I got off my pregnant behind (well, I guess I’m still on it) to write you a post today? Things have been nuts/bananas around here lately- pregnancy drama-rama, busy schedules, all of that. I have sort of lost my cooking mojo lately, to be honest. I joined a little freezer co-op a […]
New York-Style Crumb Cake

Good afternoon, earthquake survivors! Seems like everyone is a little shook up today. We didn’t feel it down here in GA, but if we had, I would certainly be celebrating survival with this crumb cake. Truthfully, I made this crumb cake about 100 million years ago and forgot to post it. I found the photos […]
Small Batch Natural Applesauce

Hi muffins! I was making another batch of applesauce this afternoon and I realized that it’s something I’ve never shared with you. I started making this applesauce when my little guy was six months old and ready to start solid food. As you can probably guess, I wasn’t into buying pre-made baby food and instead, […]
Miss Brenda’s Pound Cake

One of my favorite things about living in Georgia is that Southern hospitality. Shortly after we arrived in GA, we had the honor of sharing a meal at Miss Brenda’s. This woman is the sweetest Southern gal you will ever meet! I just love her laughter and smiles, her love for the Lord and her […]
Jim Lahey’s Stecca Bread

I mentioned in my last post that we love great bread at our picnics. Sometimes we just tear it up and eat it in chunks with cheese and fruit and sometimes we’ll do sandwiches. For some reason, great bread just makes a picnic more memorable (and obviously more delicious). This recipe is a perfect picnic […]