Part-Time Vegan, Day 4

I ate too many cookies today. ‘Cause, you know.. sugar’s vegan. (Woo hoo!) Breakfast was a peanut butter banana wrap with almond milk. Lunch was the salad bar at Lane’s. Snack was (too many!!) vegan chocolate chip cookies. Dinner was leftover pasta. Let me just tell you about this banana wrap. I make this […]
Part-Time Vegan, Day 3

Today didn’t start out as hungry as yesterday. Maybe I’m starting to get used to it.. maybe? Breakfast was an avocado smoothie and jelly toast. Snack was wheat crackers and a strawberry popsicle. Lunch was asparagus soup and a slice of leftover tart. Dinner was chickpea saute with onions and kale, served over rice. I […]
Farfalle con Broccoli

Before I dip into the vegan recipes, let’s warm up with something vegetarian. Let’s keep the cheese and cream for just a little while longer, shall we? This dish feels like something you would make if you lived in Italy, went to market, saw a beautiful head of broccoli and just came home and put […]
Perfect Brunch Menus

Brunch month has really been my favorite so far, lovies. Here’s why: I feel like I could host a brunch every day with all the ideas still in my head. I’m up to my eyeballs in Omega-3s from all the eggs I’ve been downing. Brunch is really just an excuse to eat dessert for breakfast, […]
Cinnamon Sugar Baked Doughnuts

Back in January, when I started this whole great adventure, I promised you doughnuts during Brunch Month. It took me all month, but I can finally deliver! Here’s my deal with doughnuts. I usually don’t eat them. I don’t work in an office these days, and I don’t make a habit of driving through Krispy […]
Maple Syrup Scones

I have two sweet treats to end up our month of brunching- Maple Sugar Scones today and Cinnamon Sugar Baked Doughnuts tomorrow. Perfect brunch fare, and both inspired by Heidi at 101 Cookbooks. She and I are totally on the same wavelength! I’ve made maple pecan scones before, which were great, but I was looking […]
Ham and Egg Crepe Squares

These crepes have been on my mind for weeks. I am so glad I finally made them! I’ve never made crepes before, just never got around to it. I thought they were hard to make. I should have just listened to Ricky Bobby.. (am I really quoting Talladega Nights?) “They’re like really thin pancakes.” He’s right, though, they […]
Sweet & Savory French Toast BLT

I have a dream. That dream is to one day work for Everyday Food. How do they come up with great ideas like a French Toast BLT? It’s like they’re reading my mind. Please, someone from Everyday Food, hire me! I will work for free (food). How genius is a French Toast BLT? I used […]
Spinach Cheddar Strata with Crispy Breakfast Ham

Now that all that first birthday biz is behind us, I can focus back on March’s original task- bringing you delicious brunch inspiration. Aren’t you loving spring already? We absolutely are. We’ve already got some produce growing in the yard.. the green is beautiful!If you’ve never heard of a strata, it’s a layered casserole dish, […]
TWD: Honey Nut Brownies

Sweet, sweet TWD. It’s been too long. I have been a major slack-a-saurus with my Tuesdays with Dorie baking. I think I just got burnt out on all the sugar. Then I saw the words “honey nut brownies” and stopped in my tracks. I had to make them. Love me some honey! Here’s what you […]