Carrot Cake Baked Oatmeal with Cream Cheese Topping (Gluten-Free, Refined Sugar Free, Dairy-Free Option)

I have had this idea in my head for so long. Carrot cake baked oatmeal… carrot cake baked oatmeal.. I just couldn’t shake it! I typically make this simple baked oatmeal and we just switch up our toppings, but it was high time I got to experimenting with the recipe. Before we move on, can […]
Orange Cream Vitamin C Gummies

Vitamin C! I want to start this off by saying something really important about how essential Vitamin C is for your health, but all I can think about is this Vitamin C. Remember her? That graduation song, man. It gets me every time. Class of 2005, never forget! Okay, real talk. Vitamin C is necessary/awesome […]
Cold and Flu Fighting Gummy Snacks

I have the sniffles. And my little girl has a runny nose. We haven’t had any sickness around here all winter, so I got to thinking about what might have changed in our habits in the past few weeks. Then it hit me- we were out of gummies! It may seem trivial, but these gummies […]
Papaya Cream Popsicles (Papaya Paletas)

Popsicles, again? Yes, always. Orange popsicles, that is, since I apparently that’s my specialty. (See these creamsicles and mango yogurt pops for the proof.) While cleaning out the fridge last week, I came upon half a papaya that needed some love (aka I didn’t have the heart to throw it out.) Usually I buy papaya […]
Strawberry and Peach Cinnamon Bread (Guest Post)

Happy Tuesday! The moving truck is in our driveway today and things are gettin’ real. While I’m busy carrying heavy objects (more likely children than boxes), please enjoy this guest post from Janssen of Everyday Reading. Janssen is a fellow contributor at MPMK and part of a very talented family of bloggers (you can find […]
Coconut Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies (Guest Post)

Today, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Jody from Living Nutrition. Jody comes up with the most delicious looking recipes- her smoked cherry chicken wings and banana split ice cream cake are just begging to be made at my house! And don’t get me started on these cookies- no-bake thumbprints are genius. Thanks, Jody, for […]
Mango Swirl Popsicles

Can we all agree that popsicles are having a moment? Maybe it’s the summer heat + all the gorgeous Pinterest inspiration, but I’ve had popsicles on the brain. When I saw a bag of ripe mangos in the Kroger dollar produce bin, my brain immediately said, “Popsicles. Probably with a yogurt swirl. Let’s do this.” […]
Coconut Banana Bread (GAPS, Paleo, Grain-free)

I think my kids are getting sick of bananas. They used to eat them up non-stop, but not lately. No interest at all. Whole bunches used to disappear in a day or two, but now all my bananas are sad, neglected and brown. But that means I get the chance to give them […]
16 Summer Sweet Potato Recipes

Last week, I shared my favorite summer chicken recipes. Today, I’m back with 16 ways to use the humble sweet potato. (I’m actually not eating sweet potatoes right now, but for some reason, I am still craving them and hoarding sweet potato recipes like it’s the end of the internet. It’s only a little heartbreaking […]
Coffee Cake (Grain-Free, Paleo, GAPS)

The scene in my kitchen at 6:30AM this morning: Two half-dressed kids are clamoring at my feet for their milk cups to be filled. Three-year-old Elliott climbs up into the helper tower, discovers the pan of coffee cake and yells, “LUCY! CAKE FOR BREAKFAST!” She squeals and nods her head to tell us she’s on […]