Banana Carob Brownies

I’ve been a little scared to get back to baking. My brain is trained to grab the sugar immediately! But I am retraining.. and grabbing the honey instead. These brownies came about after a long internet search for a brownie recipe without refined sugar. I found black bean brownies, gluten-free brownies, vegan brownies.. but nothing […]

Frozen Banana Pops on MPMK

Come on over to MPMK today for some fun frozen treats! Some of them are even healthy enough to eat for breakfast. 🙂

Caprese Salad Skewers

You guys. I am having a major food-related crisis! If you have been reading the ol’ blog for a while, you probably know these things about me: A) I enjoy healthy foods and attempt to live a healthy lifestyle. B) I enjoy baking and creating desserts that are often FULL. OF. SUGAR. I have discovered […]

Joy’s BLT Corn Salad Wraps

Here are some things I’d like to say about this heat wave. Something is not right when your properly-working-AC is chugging along 24/7 just to keep your house under 82 degrees. RIP to four of our chickens. Four! 108 degrees is brutal. And sorry to whatever poor garbage man has to pick up our trash […]

Orange Creamsicles

The summer heat has got me overflowing with popsicle ideas, people! I have been trying out lots of different flavors and a few different molds to find my favorite combinations. One of my recent favorites is this recipe for Creamsicles. Orange Creamsicle is a classic summer flavor in my mind. My first taste of this […]

My Favorite Baked Chicken Nuggets

You know you’re a mom when not only do you a) have a favorite chicken nugget recipe, but b) you have a favorite baked chicken nugget recipe.  What’s that you see in my driveway? A minivan? Someone save me before I buy any mom jeans! Just kidding! I love motherhood. Wouldn’t trade it. My house […]

Easter Egg Treat Ideas and Traveling with Toddlers

Is anyone else out there getting ready for some holiday traveling? We are heading out on the long (LONG) drive from GA to PA soon. I knew I would need something to help the little man from going crazy on the ride, so I came up with a little Easter-themed plan. What would you guess […]

Frozen Smoothie Bags

I am very excited to share this idea with you today! If you are looking to streamline your morning routine or looking for a quick and healthy mini-meal or snack for the kids, pay attention! This is a good one. I was inspired to make these frozen smoothie bags by The Tidy Nest‘s make-ahead freezer […]

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Chia Bites

If you spend any time on these vast internets searching for recipes (which you probably do since you’re reading this blog), you may have noticed the trend in bite-sized snacks. There are the sweeter types like cake balls/cake pops and cookie dough balls as well as healthier versions like raw energy balls. I’ve been wanting […]

Gyoza Pan-Fried Dumplings

I don’t know if you noticed, but I don’t make much Asian food around here (remember Project Food Blog?). That’s not because I don’t like it, I just get a little intimidated by it and don’t know where to get reliable recipes. I’ve made a few Asian items- classic Kung-Pao Chicken, Lighter Sesame Chicken, Beef […]