Curried Winter Soup with Carrot, Sweet Potato and Butternut Squash

Oh hey, 2014! How’s week one of the new year going for everyone? We are in hibernation mode here in Ohio, which has given me lots of time to reflect on what to do with my time in the next 12 months (or rather the next 5 months, since new babies have a way of […]
Heirloom Tomato Gazpacho (Guest Post)

I’m back! I’m connected! Hallelujah! Things are inching closer and closer to normal life. We are still in the thick of unpacking, starting to paint and getting acclimated to our new home. Julia from The Crankin’ Kitchen is here to fill in the gaps while I get my act together. Julia’s blog is awesome- you […]
16 Summer Sweet Potato Recipes

Last week, I shared my favorite summer chicken recipes. Today, I’m back with 16 ways to use the humble sweet potato. (I’m actually not eating sweet potatoes right now, but for some reason, I am still craving them and hoarding sweet potato recipes like it’s the end of the internet. It’s only a little heartbreaking […]
Surviving GAPS Intro: Stage 4

For the next 6 weeks, I’ll be chronicling my journey through the GAPS Intro Diet with a little self-made questionnaire. What did I eat on Stage 4? With Stage 4, I added olive oil, fresh juice, bread made with almond flour and roasted/grilled meats. Scrambled Eggs in Tallow with Avocado and Sauerkraut (my typical breakfast.) […]
Surviving GAPS Intro: Stage 1

For the next 6 weeks, I’ll be chronicling my journey through the GAPS Intro Diet with a little self-made questionnaire. What did I eat on Stage 1? (Soup, soup and more soup.) Carrot Soup (I made a huge batch and fear I may soon turn orange.) Butternut Squash Soup Onion Soup with Meatballs (pictured above […]
Traditional Bone Broth: Tips, Tricks and More

As you probably know, I’ve been working on healing some stomach problems (are you tired of hearing about it yet? haha). The first time I read about the healing power of bone broth was through the Weston A. Price Foundation. It made a lot of sense to me- finally I understood why homemade chicken soup […]
Chicken, Coconut and Lentil Soup

I’ve got a thing for soup lately. Maybe because it’s getting cooler, maybe because I’m trying to include more bone broth in my diet, maybe because you can just throw anything you want into a pot and call it soup. And this soup is really about just that- throwing a bunch of semi-related ingredients into […]
Cauliflower and Roasted Garlic Soup

[This post has been updated from the Oven Love archives.] This soup is exceptional. Exceptional! It’s so good that every fall for the last four years, we’ve remembered it and had to have it again. You know how rare it is for me to make a recipe twice.. so I think this is going to […]
Turnip and Potato Soup with Smoky Cheese Toasts

We are experiencing a crazy March heat wave down here. I am not ready for summer. I mean, come on.. I’m not done making soup yet! We got a big bunch of turnips last week from our farmer. At that time, it wasn’t 85 degrees, so this was the perfect lunch. I used my […]
Farmer’s Soup with Turnips, Spinach and Butternut Squash

I have Hilton to thank for this soup. Hilton is a local farmer who has recently set up shop in our town, selling his organic vegetables to people like me who are dying to have a real farmers’ market. For $20, you bring your own bag and he fills it to the brim with produce. […]