Orange Cream Vitamin C Gummies

Vitamin C! I want to start this off by saying something really important about how essential Vitamin C is for your health, but all I can think about is this Vitamin C. Remember her? That graduation song, man. It gets me every time. Class of 2005, never forget! Okay, real talk. Vitamin C is necessary/awesome […]
Cold and Flu Fighting Gummy Snacks

I have the sniffles. And my little girl has a runny nose. We haven’t had any sickness around here all winter, so I got to thinking about what might have changed in our habits in the past few weeks. Then it hit me- we were out of gummies! It may seem trivial, but these gummies […]
Curried Winter Soup with Carrot, Sweet Potato and Butternut Squash

Oh hey, 2014! How’s week one of the new year going for everyone? We are in hibernation mode here in Ohio, which has given me lots of time to reflect on what to do with my time in the next 12 months (or rather the next 5 months, since new babies have a way of […]
Shepherd’s Pie with Cauliflower Topping (GAPS, Paleo, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Option)

Good morning, hello, how are you? I made you some pie. But first, let’s talk about blogging for a minute. Food blogging is a funny little part of my life. Most people I come in contact with in “real life” don’t even know I do it; whereas you guys only know about what gets posted […]
Mini Mexican Zucchini Boats (Grain-Free, GAPS/Paleo/Dairy-Free Option)

I made a real dinner, you guys. I actually semi-meal-planned it and put thought into it and everything (say what??). Mom/wife of the year! It’s tough for me to get my head on straight and focus on my every day responsibilities at the moment. The new house is just crazy and it’s consuming my thoughts. […]
Heirloom Tomato Gazpacho (Guest Post)

I’m back! I’m connected! Hallelujah! Things are inching closer and closer to normal life. We are still in the thick of unpacking, starting to paint and getting acclimated to our new home. Julia from The Crankin’ Kitchen is here to fill in the gaps while I get my act together. Julia’s blog is awesome- you […]
Papaya Cream Popsicles (Papaya Paletas)

Popsicles, again? Yes, always. Orange popsicles, that is, since I apparently that’s my specialty. (See these creamsicles and mango yogurt pops for the proof.) While cleaning out the fridge last week, I came upon half a papaya that needed some love (aka I didn’t have the heart to throw it out.) Usually I buy papaya […]
Mango Swirl Popsicles

Can we all agree that popsicles are having a moment? Maybe it’s the summer heat + all the gorgeous Pinterest inspiration, but I’ve had popsicles on the brain. When I saw a bag of ripe mangos in the Kroger dollar produce bin, my brain immediately said, “Popsicles. Probably with a yogurt swirl. Let’s do this.” […]
Wild Duck Skewers with Apricot Dipping Sauce

Quack! Is that too much already? I needed to get it out of my system. This is my very first duck dish, you guys. First time I’ve made it and possibly first time I’ve eaten it. We got some wild duck breasts from a friend (thanks, Joe!) and they sat in my freezer for awhile.. […]
16 Summer Sweet Potato Recipes

Last week, I shared my favorite summer chicken recipes. Today, I’m back with 16 ways to use the humble sweet potato. (I’m actually not eating sweet potatoes right now, but for some reason, I am still craving them and hoarding sweet potato recipes like it’s the end of the internet. It’s only a little heartbreaking […]