16 Summer Chicken Recipes

Good day, darlings! I have been noticing some trends on my Pinterest recipe boards and I thought I might take some time to share my latest favorites with you. I’ve been all about collecting summery chicken recipes, so here are 16 tasty meals to get that protein in this summer. There’s something for everyone- kabobs, […]
Hazelnut Fig Bars

I’m in limbo. We are moving soon (just two months away..). It’s soon enough that I’m starting to get sad/nostalgic/motivated to start fresh/etc; but not soon enough that I can actually do anything about it. It’s too soon to start packing, too soon for goodbyes. I want to soak up the last bit of […]
Quick Blackberry Thyme Lemonade

So, I’m planning to bombard you with a whole bunch of drink recipes this week. Is that cool? I had some time without the kids and I got carried away with my experimentation (it looked like the produce section of the grocery store blew up in my kitchen). All of the drinks turned out to […]
Sweet Sunset Cooler

I’d like to introduce you to your new favorite drink of Summer 2013: the Sweet Sunset Cooler. I am all about this drink! It really surprised me. I typically don’t buy apricots or nectarines (I have a love/forget-to-love relationship with stone fruit), but I picked some up on a whim and I am glad I […]
Surviving GAPS Intro: Stage 4

For the next 6 weeks, I’ll be chronicling my journey through the GAPS Intro Diet with a little self-made questionnaire. What did I eat on Stage 4? With Stage 4, I added olive oil, fresh juice, bread made with almond flour and roasted/grilled meats. Scrambled Eggs in Tallow with Avocado and Sauerkraut (my typical breakfast.) […]
Surviving GAPS Intro: Stage 2

For the next 6 weeks, I’ll be chronicling my journey through the GAPS Intro Diet with a little self-made questionnaire. What did I eat on Stage 2? Stage 2 didn’t differ too much from Stage 1. I was able to add egg yolks to my soup, fresh herbs (this really made a difference to me!), […]
16 Inspiring Spring Salads

Are you guys feeling neglected? I know I’ve been doing a lot of work over on Modern Parents Messy Kids lately- it just ended up that a bunch of my posts were happening around the same time of the month. I’m sharing the links for all the salad recipes pictured above over there today, […]
Overnight Oatmeal: 5 Ways

Good morning! Join me at Modern Parents Messy Kids today with five ways to make overnight oats: traditional soaking, grab-and-go baked oatmeal, DIY oatmeal packets, crockpot oats and refrigerator oats. There’s certainly something for everyone (unless you are grain-free or you don’t like oats.. then you’re out of luck.) What’s your favorite way to eat […]
Traditional Bone Broth: Tips, Tricks and More

As you probably know, I’ve been working on healing some stomach problems (are you tired of hearing about it yet? haha). The first time I read about the healing power of bone broth was through the Weston A. Price Foundation. It made a lot of sense to me- finally I understood why homemade chicken soup […]
Citrus Hoisin Salmon and Sesame Sauteed Kale

I just remembered that I like fish. How did I forget this? Reasons why: 1. It’s quick cooking. 2. You can flavor it with anything. 3. My kids eat it! 4. It’s good for you. 5. It’s beautiful to look at. 6. It makes me feel fancy. Seriously, I’m in love! I started getting these […]