Sesame Quinoa with Chicken and Snap Peas

I’m not sure what took me so long, but I am on board with this quinoa business. I’m pretty late to the party, I know. You might have seen the salmon/spinach/feta/quinoa concoction on MPMK last week? Since I’m on this quinoa kick, I pulled up Jessica’s recipe (which I’ve had […]
Slow Cooker (Crockpot) BBQ Ribs

Yesterday was an exciting day in the Oven Love house! I made RIBS. On a MONDAY. With little to no effort. It was like the Twilight Zone. Blogger confession: I think I’ve only eaten ribs, like, 2 times in my life before this? They always seem like they would be tasty.. but when I see […]
Raspberry Ice Pops

I wish I had a separate freezer that I could dedicate to frozen treats. Or maybe an ice cream cart right in my living room? Umbrella and all. Sounds completely normal.I had to do some major freezer reorganizing last week- not due to popsicle excess (I wish!), but because we bought a 1/4 cow and […]
White Bean Cookie Dough

White bean cookie dough. What. What??? That sounds totally weird. Are you wondering how white beans and cookie dough could possibly be friends? I applaud you for actually reading this post and not just moving on to the next blog. After stumbling upon lots of bean-related desserts in the blog world- black bean brownies, white […]
Roasted Chickpeas: 4 Ways

Come visit me at Modern Parents Messy Kids today! I’m sharing four variations on one of my new favorite snacks. It’s sure to make all the (big and little) tummies in your house very happy..
Peaches and Peppers

What I have for you today is simple. Just peaches and peppers. An easy side dish. It never occurred to me before that peaches might complement peppers, but somehow they do. I sauteed the peppers in grapeseed oil (you can use whatever fat you fancy) until soft and added in the thinly sliced peaches just […]
Homemade Honey Ketchup

You guys. I have actually processed and put up almost all of the tomatoes that came out of the garden this year. This is MAJOR. I typically get so overwhelmed with the produce that some of it (okay, a lot of it) goes to the chickens. But this year, I’ve been on the top of […]
Frozen Banana Pops on MPMK

Come on over to MPMK today for some fun frozen treats! Some of them are even healthy enough to eat for breakfast. 🙂
Caprese Salad Skewers

You guys. I am having a major food-related crisis! If you have been reading the ol’ blog for a while, you probably know these things about me: A) I enjoy healthy foods and attempt to live a healthy lifestyle. B) I enjoy baking and creating desserts that are often FULL. OF. SUGAR. I have discovered […]
Joy’s BLT Corn Salad Wraps

Here are some things I’d like to say about this heat wave. Something is not right when your properly-working-AC is chugging along 24/7 just to keep your house under 82 degrees. RIP to four of our chickens. Four! 108 degrees is brutal. And sorry to whatever poor garbage man has to pick up our trash […]