Coconut Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies (Guest Post)

Today, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Jody from Living Nutrition. Jody comes up with the most delicious looking recipes- her smoked cherry chicken wings and banana split ice cream cake are just begging to be made at my house! And don’t get me started on these cookies- no-bake thumbprints are genius. Thanks, Jody, for […]
Mango Swirl Popsicles

Can we all agree that popsicles are having a moment? Maybe it’s the summer heat + all the gorgeous Pinterest inspiration, but I’ve had popsicles on the brain. When I saw a bag of ripe mangos in the Kroger dollar produce bin, my brain immediately said, “Popsicles. Probably with a yogurt swirl. Let’s do this.” […]
Wild Duck Skewers with Apricot Dipping Sauce

Quack! Is that too much already? I needed to get it out of my system. This is my very first duck dish, you guys. First time I’ve made it and possibly first time I’ve eaten it. We got some wild duck breasts from a friend (thanks, Joe!) and they sat in my freezer for awhile.. […]
Salmon, Swiss Chard and Egg Skillet

It’s been a minute since I posted a savory recipe, hasn’t it? It’s been all juice concoctions and coffee cake and pancake stacks up in here lately. It’s a lot easier to post things like fat pancakes and banana bread that I can photograph during nap time than it is to catch a photo of what […]
Coconut Banana Bread (GAPS, Paleo, Grain-free)

I think my kids are getting sick of bananas. They used to eat them up non-stop, but not lately. No interest at all. Whole bunches used to disappear in a day or two, but now all my bananas are sad, neglected and brown. But that means I get the chance to give them […]
16 Summer Sweet Potato Recipes

Last week, I shared my favorite summer chicken recipes. Today, I’m back with 16 ways to use the humble sweet potato. (I’m actually not eating sweet potatoes right now, but for some reason, I am still craving them and hoarding sweet potato recipes like it’s the end of the internet. It’s only a little heartbreaking […]
16 Summer Chicken Recipes

Good day, darlings! I have been noticing some trends on my Pinterest recipe boards and I thought I might take some time to share my latest favorites with you. I’ve been all about collecting summery chicken recipes, so here are 16 tasty meals to get that protein in this summer. There’s something for everyone- kabobs, […]
Grain-Free Fat Almond Pancake

A few weeks ago, I pinned this Fat Almond Pancake from Green Kitchen Stories and I knew I had to make one. (Definitely check out their blog, it’s gorgeous!) The original recipe wasn’t exactly grain-free, but I knew I could do some tweaking and make easily make it GAPS-friendly. I just loved the look and ease […]
Coffee Cake (Grain-Free, Paleo, GAPS)

The scene in my kitchen at 6:30AM this morning: Two half-dressed kids are clamoring at my feet for their milk cups to be filled. Three-year-old Elliott climbs up into the helper tower, discovers the pan of coffee cake and yells, “LUCY! CAKE FOR BREAKFAST!” She squeals and nods her head to tell us she’s on […]
Hazelnut Fig Bars

I’m in limbo. We are moving soon (just two months away..). It’s soon enough that I’m starting to get sad/nostalgic/motivated to start fresh/etc; but not soon enough that I can actually do anything about it. It’s too soon to start packing, too soon for goodbyes. I want to soak up the last bit of […]