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Christmas Morning Treats: Ebelskivers

Christmas morning comes with lots of treats. Many of them are gifts, but some of them are edible. This year, I turned one of my gifts into a tasty breakfast treat!

(image from

One of the gifts I received from my husband this year was an Ebelskiver pan. Before this year, I had heard of ebelskivers, but didn’t know much about them. After beginning work at Williams Sonoma, I found that they are very popular (they’ve been selling out all season!). If you’re not familiar, ebelskivers are little filled pancakes – check out the pan here!

The great thing about ebelskivers is that you can fill them with anything. We went a little crazy, trying just about everything that was in my mom’s fridge/pantry. Here are some suggestions:

-Jelly (with and without peanut butter)
-Chocolate Chips
-Pie Filling
-Sweetened cream cheese with dried fruit/nuts
-Fruit (apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, etc.)

Filled Pancakes
(from the Williams Sonoma Kitchen)

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbs sugar
4 eggs, separated
2 cups milk
4 tbs unsalted butter, melted, plus more for cooking
fillings (see above)

1. In a bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients. In another small bowl, lightly whisk the egg yolks, then whisk in the milk and the melted butter. Whisk the yolk mixture into the flour mixture until well combined. The batter will be lumpy.

2. In another bowl, using an electric mixer with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites on high until stiff but not dry peaks form, about 2-3 minutes. Using a spatula, gently stir whites into the batter in two additions.

3. Put 1/4 tsp butter into each well of the Ebelskiver pan. Set over medium heat and heat until butter begins to bubble. Pour 1 tbs batter into each well. Pout 1 tsp of filling into the center of each pancake and top with 1 tbs batter. Cook until the bottoms are golden brownn and crisp, 3-4 minutes.

4. Using 2 wooden skewers, flip the pancakes over and cook until golden and crisp, about 2 minutes more. Transfer to a plate, repeat with the remaining batter and serve.

*Click here for more ebelskiver recipes from Williams Sonoma.

6 Responses to “Christmas Morning Treats: Ebelskivers”
  1. pinkstripes says:

    Ooh…those look good. I’ve been debating buying a ebelskiver pan. I may have to get one now. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Kathy says:

    They were the best little pancakes I have ever had. I have trouble deciding which ones I liked the best. Thanks again for making them at my house. Love Mom

  3. spoiledmom says:

    Hello! I found your blog from Real Simples “Simply Stated” where you left a comment on this pan. Ebelskivers are the best thing next to my husband. LOL I mentioned the pan to him when the SPRING ’08 Williams Sonoma catalog came. Can you believe he remembered? (I know him and I can’t) LOL But I am sooo glad he did. They are so yummy. Since Christmas morning, I have made them 3 other times, since the girls have been on Christmas break. It was so sweet of him to remember, but I think it was because he wanted them that he got it for me. LOL Nonetheless, we have always been a Belgium waffle, pancake weekends family. This is such a “sweet” surprise. I love the nutella suggestion that you and Kristin Appenbrink mentioned for a filling. I picked some up today and will try it out this weekend. I have a handy little tip that works as well as the skewers in removing from the pan. (if you are afraid of making a hole in the pancake) I use my wooden “bagel tongs” from (shhh)the Pampered Chef (saw you worked for WS) LOL but they work great in removal! You have a great website and I can’t wait to peruse and try some of your delicious recipes. I am a huge recipe collector but have not gotten around to getting them on the web. I have them stored on a hard drive, but I do not blog them. I do, however, have two blogs. One of them is a personal/family, recipe(long passed down, made frequently recipe)- blog, and the other was the original blog turned into a tribute to Caylee Anthony after I became so obsessed with the case. I am going into my 2nd year of cancer and chemo after a 9 year remission, so I have a lot of down time. Your site, as I said is lovely, and I hope to try a lot of your recipes soon. Happy New Year and Happy Ebelskivers! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. spoiledmom says:

    Sorry for the “post” LOL got excited over the Ebelskivers and that someone else got one as well!


  5. Jefferson says:

    natalie- my gf’s family is big on ebelskivers so we bought the pan from william sonoma last christmas. We made a bunch but none of them looked as good as yours! I think you’ve just inspired round two!

  6. April says:

    I received one of these pans for Christmas and we all love them. You wouldn’t think that seven little ebelshivers would fill you up, but none of can eat all of them. They are very good. So far I have used strawberry jam, strawberries, peanut butter, & chocolate icing. Next I am going to try the cinnamon recipe I found. This pan is worth every penny.