Quick Blackberry Thyme Lemonade
Author: Oven Love
  • 1/2 cup blackberries, divided
  • fresh juice of two lemons
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • a few sprigs of fresh thyme, removed from the stem
  • 2 shots vodka (optional)
  • water
  1. Split 1/4 cup of between two glasses. Muddle (smash) them up in the bottom of the glasses.
  2. In a small glass or bowl, whisk lemon juice and honey. Split the juice between the two glasses and add the thyme leaves.
  3. If you're adding the vodka, add one shot to each glass. Add ice and then top with water and stir. Top the glasses with the rest of the blackberries.
Recipe by Oven Love at https://www.ovenloveblog.com/quick-blackberry-thyme-lemonade/
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