Strawberry and Peach Cinnamon Bread (Guest Post)

Happy Tuesday! The moving truck is in our driveway today and things are gettin’ real. While I’m busy carrying heavy objects (more likely children than boxes), please enjoy this guest post from Janssen of Everyday Reading. Janssen is a fellow contributor at MPMK and part of a very talented family of bloggers (you can find […]
Chocolate Zucchini Cake

I love posts that have the labels “chocolate” and “vegetables” together. Sometimes it seems my main goal in life is figuring out how to fit chocolate into every meal. Still working on it. Chocolate-covered broccoli probably wouldn’t go over well with my crew. Or would it.. Back to reality! I made this cake last night […]
Chelsea’s Lemon Souffle Pancakes

Today, you get to meet Chelsea from Chelsea’s Culinary Indulgence. She is a 20-something, self-taught cook just like me and I know you’ll enjoy her recipe. I can’t wait to whip up a plate of these myself. Thanks for sharing, Chelsea! Hello Oven Lovers! I’m Chelsea, the girl behind the blog Chelsea’s Culinary Indulgence. I’m […]
Cream Puff Cupcakes [My 500th Post!]

FIVE HUNDRED posts. Wow. That is a lot of food, people! I am amazed that the little food blog I started on a whim in September of 2008 has survived (and thrived!) until today. There’s been a little bit of everything here on Oven Love, hasn’t there? Lots of sweet desserts, tons of breakfast and […]
Chocolate Snickerdoodles

I love playing hostess. One of my favorite things to do is to make a meal and enjoy it with friends and family. Usually, I end up going a little overboard as the host- I start to feel like dinner isn’t enough on its own, and then I start making drinks and desserts and bread. […]
My Favorite Baked Chicken Nuggets

You know you’re a mom when not only do you a) have a favorite chicken nugget recipe, but b) you have a favorite baked chicken nugget recipe. What’s that you see in my driveway? A minivan? Someone save me before I buy any mom jeans! Just kidding! I love motherhood. Wouldn’t trade it. My house […]
Chocolate Beet Cake

Recently, I’ve been getting into baking full-size cakes. It seems like there are never enough occasions that call for a big, beautiful cake. After having my cupcake business in Ohio, I am much more inclined to bake cakes than cupcakes now (like the rainbow cake and the strawberry cake). Since I was experimenting with […]
Sweet Beet Pancakes

Oh, how the times have changed. If you told me five years ago that I’d be recommending that you eat beets in any form, I would have laughed in your face. But here I am, about to tell you why you need to make beet pancakes- and soon. This weekend, I had my first experience […]
Coconut Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Lesson learned so far in life with two babies: sometimes you will just need to make cookies. In some ways, parenting two has been easier than I thought. I bounced back from the birth easier, I am actually able to get us all out of the house in a decent amount of time, I can […]
Sprinkled Chocolate Thumbrint Cookies

Good morning, all! How are your holiday sugar hangovers? Today I’ve got some more sugary treats for you in honor of the Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap, hosted by the fabulously talented Lindsay of Love and Olive Oil and Julie of The Little Kitchen. I have had the pleasure of meeting these two darlings in […]