New York-Style Crumb Cake

Good afternoon, earthquake survivors! Seems like everyone is a little shook up today. We didn’t feel it down here in GA, but if we had, I would certainly be celebrating survival with this crumb cake. Truthfully, I made this crumb cake about 100 million years ago and forgot to post it. I found the photos […]
Miss Brenda’s Pound Cake

One of my favorite things about living in Georgia is that Southern hospitality. Shortly after we arrived in GA, we had the honor of sharing a meal at Miss Brenda’s. This woman is the sweetest Southern gal you will ever meet! I just love her laughter and smiles, her love for the Lord and her […]
Red Velvet Whoopie Pies

May is all supposed to be all about pies around here, my darlings. I’m starting out with a bit of an unconventional pie post, though, just to keep things exciting for you.. with whoopie pies! Have you heard about whoopie pies? They kind of had a moment in the foodie world recently, and it seemed […]
Nutella Chocolate Chip Cookies

I am a chewy chocolate chip cookie lover. There is just something excellent about biting into a soft, gooey, melty cookie. Sounds perfect already.. but add nutella, and I’ll eat the whole batch. I’ve been a little light on the posting lately. That’s mostly because I got burnt out on all the vegan business. It […]
Part-Time Vegan, Day 4

I ate too many cookies today. ‘Cause, you know.. sugar’s vegan. (Woo hoo!) Breakfast was a peanut butter banana wrap with almond milk. Lunch was the salad bar at Lane’s. Snack was (too many!!) vegan chocolate chip cookies. Dinner was leftover pasta. Let me just tell you about this banana wrap. I make this […]
Ham and Egg Crepe Squares

These crepes have been on my mind for weeks. I am so glad I finally made them! I’ve never made crepes before, just never got around to it. I thought they were hard to make. I should have just listened to Ricky Bobby.. (am I really quoting Talladega Nights?) “They’re like really thin pancakes.” He’s right, though, they […]