Quick Chocolate Avocado Pudding with Coconut Topping

Raise your hand if you ate pudding cups when you were a kid. (Hand raised.) Raise your hand if you ate pudding cups when you were in college. (Hand raised- no shame.) Raise your hand if you still eat pudding cups as an adult? (I wish. Where do I find refined-sugar free, corn syrup-free, […]
End of Summer Chopped Salad with Citrus Honey Viniagrette

As I declared and made official in my last post, summer is not over. It’s still August (I think?). And it’s still warm. And Labor Day is still a few days out. Since I know you don’t mind, I will carry on with my summer-related nonsense. Sorry I didn’t get my act together for […]
Avocado Banana Bread

Something strange happened last week. I had leftover AVOCADOS. That never happens, like, ever. We were heading out of town for a few days and I needed to use them up quickly. While I have used frozen avocado before with success (just mash and freeze flat in a freezer bag), I wanted to make something […]
Joy’s BLT Corn Salad Wraps

Here are some things I’d like to say about this heat wave. Something is not right when your properly-working-AC is chugging along 24/7 just to keep your house under 82 degrees. RIP to four of our chickens. Four! 108 degrees is brutal. And sorry to whatever poor garbage man has to pick up our trash […]
Eggs Barbacoa

What did you do the morning after Cinco de Mayo? (Seis de Mayo just doesn’t have the same ring to it). Maybe it was just another Sunday morning, maybe you were nursing a hangover, maybe you don’t have kids and you don’t wake up until the afternoon, I don’t know. We were up at a […]
Part-Time Vegan, Day 3

Today didn’t start out as hungry as yesterday. Maybe I’m starting to get used to it.. maybe? Breakfast was an avocado smoothie and jelly toast. Snack was wheat crackers and a strawberry popsicle. Lunch was asparagus soup and a slice of leftover tart. Dinner was chickpea saute with onions and kale, served over rice. I […]