Yellow Lard Cake with Berries and Cream (A ‘Beyond Bacon’ Giveaway)

This weekend, my little girl turned 2. I just love that little peanut and her growing personality. I would say I’m excited to be moving out of the baby stage.. but it’s only a few months before we move back into it. 😉 This was her birthday cake! I know it’s not the typical two-year-old […]
Chocolate Zucchini Cake

I love posts that have the labels “chocolate” and “vegetables” together. Sometimes it seems my main goal in life is figuring out how to fit chocolate into every meal. Still working on it. Chocolate-covered broccoli probably wouldn’t go over well with my crew. Or would it.. Back to reality! I made this cake last night […]
Cream Puff Cupcakes [My 500th Post!]

FIVE HUNDRED posts. Wow. That is a lot of food, people! I am amazed that the little food blog I started on a whim in September of 2008 has survived (and thrived!) until today. There’s been a little bit of everything here on Oven Love, hasn’t there? Lots of sweet desserts, tons of breakfast and […]
New York-Style Crumb Cake

Good afternoon, earthquake survivors! Seems like everyone is a little shook up today. We didn’t feel it down here in GA, but if we had, I would certainly be celebrating survival with this crumb cake. Truthfully, I made this crumb cake about 100 million years ago and forgot to post it. I found the photos […]
Miss Brenda’s Pound Cake

One of my favorite things about living in Georgia is that Southern hospitality. Shortly after we arrived in GA, we had the honor of sharing a meal at Miss Brenda’s. This woman is the sweetest Southern gal you will ever meet! I just love her laughter and smiles, her love for the Lord and her […]