Chicken, Coconut and Lentil Soup

I’ve got a thing for soup lately. Maybe because it’s getting cooler, maybe because I’m trying to include more bone broth in my diet, maybe because you can just throw anything you want into a pot and call it soup. And this soup is really about just that- throwing a bunch of semi-related ingredients into […]
Thai Chicken Taquitos

I felt like a real genius with this one, you guys. This crazy Thai/Mexican fusion taquito idea just popped into my brain and would not leave until I made it happen. All I could think about was peanut sauce for days. Days! Then another idea called Chicken Satay Lettuce Wraps became best friends with the […]
Freezer-Friendly Chicken Enchiladas

Forgive me if I don’t have much to say today. I am now living in the Land Beyond Due Dates (again) and I’m having trouble thinking of anything more than this baby’s pending arrival. My brain and body are fried from weeks of early contractions and the last few sleepless nights of false labor. Can’t […]