Healthier Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Giants
Hold on to your hats, people! I actually captured a photograph of something edible. Something delicious. Something for YOU! You guys, I have to confess that I have been mentally opposed to #pumpkiningallthethings this season. It could be because I took a beach vacation at the end of September, or maybe because the food industry […]
Carrot Cake Baked Oatmeal with Cream Cheese Topping (Gluten-Free, Refined Sugar Free, Dairy-Free Option)
I have had this idea in my head for so long. Carrot cake baked oatmeal… carrot cake baked oatmeal.. I just couldn’t shake it! I typically make this simple baked oatmeal and we just switch up our toppings, but it was high time I got to experimenting with the recipe. Before we move on, can […]
Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites (No Refined Sugar, Grain-free and Gluten-free Options)
I miss you guys! What’s happening? What’s new? How’s your pumpkin carving/Halloween costuming/PSL consumption going this year? We are a bit of a Halloween-neutral family. We will dress up if there’s a party to go to, take the kids trick-or-treating, buy a few pumpkins and hit the fall festival scene, but we don’t love Halloween. […]
Strawberry and Peach Cinnamon Bread (Guest Post)
Happy Tuesday! The moving truck is in our driveway today and things are gettin’ real. While I’m busy carrying heavy objects (more likely children than boxes), please enjoy this guest post from Janssen of Everyday Reading. Janssen is a fellow contributor at MPMK and part of a very talented family of bloggers (you can find […]
Coffee Cake (Grain-Free, Paleo, GAPS)
The scene in my kitchen at 6:30AM this morning: Two half-dressed kids are clamoring at my feet for their milk cups to be filled. Three-year-old Elliott climbs up into the helper tower, discovers the pan of coffee cake and yells, “LUCY! CAKE FOR BREAKFAST!” She squeals and nods her head to tell us she’s on […]
Spiced Nut Butter Balls
I am a fool for this snack ball trend. They are so good! So easy to pull together! So much better to snack on then junk food! The one thing they don’t have going for them is a good name- Nut Balls is just awful. So is Snack Balls. Energy Balls? Nut Butter Balls? A […]
Apple Cinnamon Muffins (Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Paleo)
I might need a Paleo baking intervention. I’ve gotten the hang of it now and the treats are flowing freely again in this house.. but my tummy troubles have not disappeared. (They are still undiagnosed.. go here for more of my story.) Now my wheels are turning again, trying to figure out why. I thought […]
Maple Bacon Donuts (Grain-Free, Gluten-Free, Paleo)
You guys, I bought a donut pan! I found it at T.J. Maxx for like five bucks, so it basically jumped in my cart and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Now we can have donuts together every day! I want to know who came up with the maple bacon combo first. I would […]
Pumpkin Streusel Muffins (Paleo, Gluten-Free, Grain-Free)
It’s been a rainy morning here in GA today. Even the clouds know it’s a Monday. Though it’s pretty sad-looking outside, the rain has not deterred us from having a lovely morning so far. I am still on my happy-husband-high from a weekend away (at Chateau Elan, ooh la la!) and I will ride […]
Pumpkin and Gingersnap Yogurt Parfait (gluten-free)
It’s Thanksgiving week- I couldn’t leave you hanging without something yummy to look at! Forget pies and turkeys and sides and all of that nonsense- you probably already have your big day game plan in place. I wanted to give you something to eat in the days before (or after) Turkey Day. Chances are, you […]