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Healthier Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Giants

Hold on to your hats, people! I actually captured a photograph of something edible. Something delicious. Something for YOU! You guys, I have to confess that I have been mentally opposed to #pumpkiningallthethings this season. It could be because I took a beach vacation at the end of September, or maybe because the food industry […]

Grain-Free Fat Almond Pancake

A few weeks ago, I pinned this Fat Almond Pancake from Green Kitchen Stories and I knew I had to make one. (Definitely check out their blog, it’s gorgeous!) The original recipe wasn’t exactly grain-free, but I knew I could do some tweaking and make easily make it GAPS-friendly. I just loved the look and ease […]

Maple Bacon Donuts (Grain-Free, Gluten-Free, Paleo)

  You guys, I bought a donut pan! I found it at T.J. Maxx for like five bucks, so it basically jumped in my cart and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Now we can have donuts together every day! I want to know who came up with the maple bacon combo first. I would […]

Homemade Raw Milk Ricotta Cheese

Ever since we started drinking raw milk, I have been itching to make some cheese with it. The only thing getting in my way is a tiny human with a serious appetite for milk- we almost never have any milk leftover for cooking or experimenting. Last week I got hit with The Lucky Stick and […]

Banana No-Bake Cookies (No Refined Sugar)

I’ve got another sugarless baking experiment for you today, imaginary internet pal! I know you’ve been there- middle of the afternoon, no snacks handy, craving hits.. and you think to yourself, “how can I make myself a treat before the kids wake up??” I immediately thought of no-bake cookies (and also thought I was some […]

White Bean Cookie Dough

 White bean cookie dough.  What. What??? That sounds totally weird. Are you wondering how white beans and cookie dough could possibly be friends? I applaud you for actually reading this post and not just moving on to the next blog. After stumbling upon lots of bean-related desserts in the blog world- black bean brownies, white […]

Pineapple Orange Julius

The last time we met, I told you about my sugar crisis. How’s it going, you ask? Well, here’s what I’ve been doing. Trying to eat whole foods as much as possible. Trying not to eat sugar or drink juice. Eating honey/maple syrup in moderation. Eating plenty of fruit. I couldn’t hack it without fruit […]

Chelsea’s Lemon Souffle Pancakes

Today, you get to meet Chelsea from Chelsea’s Culinary Indulgence. She is a 20-something, self-taught cook just like me and I know you’ll enjoy her recipe. I can’t wait to whip up a plate of these myself. Thanks for sharing, Chelsea! Hello Oven Lovers!  I’m Chelsea, the girl behind the blog Chelsea’s Culinary Indulgence.  I’m […]

Stuffed French Toast Cupcakes

Happy Monday morning! If you were following on Facebook this weekend, you know that I was working on some new cupcake flavors for my 500th post- one based on a dessert and one based on a breakfast treat. This is the breakfast concoction- a berry-stuffed french toast cupcake! Begin drooling now. It isn’t my 500th […]

Mint Cookies and Cream Ice Cream

Happy Wednesday! I’m here to introduce you to the most popular treat in my freezer- Mint Cookies and Cream Ice Cream. I’ve mentioned my abundance of garden mint before, but things have gotten even wilder! This mint is taking over the garden like a boss! I’ve been thinking about making mint ice cream with it […]