Homemade Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins [with no refined sugar]

I don’t eat much store-bought candy these days, but when Halloween rolls around, I find myself eyeballing those Reese’s peanut butter pumpkins. I know it’s basically the same as a peanut butter cup, but for some reason, the pumpkin always tasted better to me. Maybe a better peanut butter to chocolate ratio? Maybe the eye-catching […]
Thai Chicken Taquitos

I felt like a real genius with this one, you guys. This crazy Thai/Mexican fusion taquito idea just popped into my brain and would not leave until I made it happen. All I could think about was peanut sauce for days. Days! Then another idea called Chicken Satay Lettuce Wraps became best friends with the […]
Honey Nut Butter Cookies

What’s up!? The toddlers have amazed me by sleeping for TWO HOURS so here I am- bringing you some cookies. I wish I could bring them to you personally, but the inmates are running the asylum around here and they just won’t let me out! I’m surprised at how much I’ve been in the kitchen […]
Banana No-Bake Cookies (No Refined Sugar)

I’ve got another sugarless baking experiment for you today, imaginary internet pal! I know you’ve been there- middle of the afternoon, no snacks handy, craving hits.. and you think to yourself, “how can I make myself a treat before the kids wake up??” I immediately thought of no-bake cookies (and also thought I was some […]
White Bean Cookie Dough

White bean cookie dough. What. What??? That sounds totally weird. Are you wondering how white beans and cookie dough could possibly be friends? I applaud you for actually reading this post and not just moving on to the next blog. After stumbling upon lots of bean-related desserts in the blog world- black bean brownies, white […]
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Chia Bites

If you spend any time on these vast internets searching for recipes (which you probably do since you’re reading this blog), you may have noticed the trend in bite-sized snacks. There are the sweeter types like cake balls/cake pops and cookie dough balls as well as healthier versions like raw energy balls. I’ve been wanting […]
Part-Time Vegan, Day 4

I ate too many cookies today. ‘Cause, you know.. sugar’s vegan. (Woo hoo!) Breakfast was a peanut butter banana wrap with almond milk. Lunch was the salad bar at Lane’s. Snack was (too many!!) vegan chocolate chip cookies. Dinner was leftover pasta. Let me just tell you about this banana wrap. I make this […]