Curried Winter Soup with Carrot, Sweet Potato and Butternut Squash

Oh hey, 2014! How’s week one of the new year going for everyone? We are in hibernation mode here in Ohio, which has given me lots of time to reflect on what to do with my time in the next 12 months (or rather the next 5 months, since new babies have a way of […]
Heirloom Tomato Gazpacho (Guest Post)

I’m back! I’m connected! Hallelujah! Things are inching closer and closer to normal life. We are still in the thick of unpacking, starting to paint and getting acclimated to our new home. Julia from The Crankin’ Kitchen is here to fill in the gaps while I get my act together. Julia’s blog is awesome- you […]
Surviving GAPS Intro: Stage 4

For the next 6 weeks, I’ll be chronicling my journey through the GAPS Intro Diet with a little self-made questionnaire. What did I eat on Stage 4? With Stage 4, I added olive oil, fresh juice, bread made with almond flour and roasted/grilled meats. Scrambled Eggs in Tallow with Avocado and Sauerkraut (my typical breakfast.) […]
Traditional Bone Broth: Tips, Tricks and More

As you probably know, I’ve been working on healing some stomach problems (are you tired of hearing about it yet? haha). The first time I read about the healing power of bone broth was through the Weston A. Price Foundation. It made a lot of sense to me- finally I understood why homemade chicken soup […]