Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites (No Refined Sugar, Grain-free and Gluten-free Options)

I miss you guys! What’s happening? What’s new? How’s your pumpkin carving/Halloween costuming/PSL consumption going this year? We are a bit of a Halloween-neutral family. We will dress up if there’s a party to go to, take the kids trick-or-treating, buy a few pumpkins and hit the fall festival scene, but we don’t love Halloween. […]
Strawberry and Peach Cinnamon Bread (Guest Post)

Happy Tuesday! The moving truck is in our driveway today and things are gettin’ real. While I’m busy carrying heavy objects (more likely children than boxes), please enjoy this guest post from Janssen of Everyday Reading. Janssen is a fellow contributor at MPMK and part of a very talented family of bloggers (you can find […]
Slow Cooker (Crockpot) BBQ Ribs

Yesterday was an exciting day in the Oven Love house! I made RIBS. On a MONDAY. With little to no effort. It was like the Twilight Zone. Blogger confession: I think I’ve only eaten ribs, like, 2 times in my life before this? They always seem like they would be tasty.. but when I see […]
Chocolate Zucchini Cake

I love posts that have the labels “chocolate” and “vegetables” together. Sometimes it seems my main goal in life is figuring out how to fit chocolate into every meal. Still working on it. Chocolate-covered broccoli probably wouldn’t go over well with my crew. Or would it.. Back to reality! I made this cake last night […]
Amy’s Blue Cheese Mushroom Burgers

Hi, lovies! Today you get to meet Miss Amy from Sing For Your Supper AND you get to look at this amazing burger. How lucky are you? Howdy y’all! It’s Amy of Sing For Your Supper and I’m super excited to be guest posting on Oven Love today! I’m an opera singing cheese addict from […]
Cookie Butter Parfaits with COOL WHIP Whipped Topping

Ahh, summer. Time to turn off the ovens, get away from the heat and enjoy the quick and easy recipes that don’t take much time to prepare. There’s nothing worse that being stuck in a steamy kitchen all day (unless it’s this Steamy Kitchen– i’m sure that would be a blast). There’s enough heat going […]
Cream Puff Cupcakes [My 500th Post!]

FIVE HUNDRED posts. Wow. That is a lot of food, people! I am amazed that the little food blog I started on a whim in September of 2008 has survived (and thrived!) until today. There’s been a little bit of everything here on Oven Love, hasn’t there? Lots of sweet desserts, tons of breakfast and […]
Stuffed French Toast Cupcakes

Happy Monday morning! If you were following on Facebook this weekend, you know that I was working on some new cupcake flavors for my 500th post- one based on a dessert and one based on a breakfast treat. This is the breakfast concoction- a berry-stuffed french toast cupcake! Begin drooling now. It isn’t my 500th […]
Mint Cookies and Cream Ice Cream

Happy Wednesday! I’m here to introduce you to the most popular treat in my freezer- Mint Cookies and Cream Ice Cream. I’ve mentioned my abundance of garden mint before, but things have gotten even wilder! This mint is taking over the garden like a boss! I’ve been thinking about making mint ice cream with it […]
Chocolate Snickerdoodles

I love playing hostess. One of my favorite things to do is to make a meal and enjoy it with friends and family. Usually, I end up going a little overboard as the host- I start to feel like dinner isn’t enough on its own, and then I start making drinks and desserts and bread. […]